I was in a quandary as to if the investigations that were poking around into my emails etc were from private investigators or government agents acting for those who acquired Howard's billions. I posted the threat to post their emails online to test that theory. The idea being that private individuals would likely not be able to shut down a yahoo mail account but that a Yahoo is well know to kiss any gov butt offered. The fact that Yahoo took down my email account points to the fact that likely there are governmental agents involved. The ability to use servers worldwide as specified earlier to spoof inquires and view pages had also pointed to a governmental source for this interference. This all lends credence to the earlier postulated idea that the Boxes book by Mark Musick and Doug Wellman was likely to only be a confuse and diffuse scheme hatched by a black ops cell. The fact that Mark had participated in those activities in the military and Doug rushed to get a concealed weapons certification from an official provider points to both being noc (non official covert agents) personnel. Just my take on the events transpiring! Am I violating any law by outing these two? No, as I have no connection with gov service and I have taken no oath to keep such information secret. If these guys want my cooperation, they had better be up front and honest and quit this back alley garbage!
Be sure to use the gmail address of HowardHughesDNA@gmail.com. Evidently yahoo has bowed to pressure from the Houston Billionare's club and has confiscated my HowardHughesDNA account. If you SIMPLY MUST use yahoo, please use the HowardRHughesDNA@yahoo.com (please note the addition of the R between Howard and Hughes.
Be sure to use the gmail address of HowardHughesDNA@gmail.com. Evidently yahoo has bowed to pressure from the Houston Billionare's club and has confiscated my HowardHughesDNA account. If you SIMPLY MUST use yahoo, please use the HowardRHughesDNA@yahoo.com (please note the addition of the R between Howard and Hughes.
1 comment:
Bernard Barker Recruit Cubans to work with
the Burglars claimed by Felipe De Diego (op40) claim
that broke into Dr Lewis office September 1971 and
Bernard Barker paid for all the expenses for deed.
Pablo Fernandex informant went J E H funeral.
Bernard Barker over 20 cubans went J E H funeral.
Jack Anderson claim he knew Sturgis over 20yrs.
(1952) Sturgis & Kaiser went Herald newspaper 1970.
Bernard Barker claim MrsHunt gave as much $47ooo.
Dorothy Hunt died December 8, 1972 moneyChicago.
Bernard Barker want Jack Stuart go houseboat that is
anchored off of Biscayne Bay Miami Florida he declined.
Eugenio Martinez green dodge Dart receipt $25,ooo
from Barker bank Republic dated April 21,1972.
Mitchell & LaRue stay at 340 Harbor Drive Keybiscayne
it was owned by C.G.Rebozo his sister Anita Reynolds.
G.G.Liddy meeting Key Biscayne meeting March 20.
and March 30 Macgruder flew Florida stack papers for
John Mitchell approval. Money like $100,ooo (mexico laundry operation )from Mexico City ,business man Manuel Ogarrio Daguerre,Robert Allen Lawyer, Houston home .Robert Bennett (mullen co) represented Howard Hughes .
Frank Sturgis & Navarro & E.H.Hunt used atty Ellis Rubin.
Manuel Artime had large investment Nicaragua friend President Somoza and E.H.Hunt traveled Nicaragua July1971. Richard Nixon Checkers speech or Fund speech was an address made on September 23, 1952,
Howard Hughes money to Nixon family,includes
a loan $205,000 to Donald Nixon in 1956 (which Hughes contributed Nixon campaign 1960)Hughes $50,ooo
Nixon campaign 1968,$100,000 secretly passed Rebozo,
1969,and 1970,and $150,ooo 1972.So how much did Howard Hughes contributed Richard Nixon campaign fund ,
Nixon's illicit dealings with billionaire Howard Hughes ?
. Disclosure of the Hughes “loan” damaged Nixon in the final days of the 1960 campaign ?Rumors of Nixon ate dog biscuits, got looped on martinis, walked the beach in his suit held hands Beebe Rebozo ?
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