Now that the DNA is back and there is little doubt the book was a red herring, what possible motive could there have been for the whole process they went through?
After an inferative review of the book and associated data we were struck with some things.
1. There is NO PROOF VERNER NICELY ever claimed to be Howard Hughes. All the nformation came from EVA. She REPORTED everything Verner was supposed to have said.
2. Eva worked at an AIR BASE i n Panama! She worked a desk! 3.Verner worked on the planes as a civilian contractor! This smells like EVA was a was a non NOC worker who managed CIA logistics in the field in central America (we all know Central America was a CIA playground at that time).
3. Mark is AIR FORCE! What you say that a review of his and Eva's service record shows them BOTH serving in Central America during the time period that Nic was down there???? Makes sense don't it. Want to bet that Eva and Mark worked together before?
4. Who MADE SURE (or so she thought) that no one could dig up Verner's body and test it for DNA? RIGHT EVA!!!! When she claimed he was Howard ONLY AFTER she had burned the body was the real stink of a setup!
5. People!!! In our opinion this smells to high heave of a CIA red herring operation concocted by Mark and EVA to distract and destroy any REAL evidence of what REALLY happened to Howard.
I have eviewed recordings of Mark's statements and Dougs and talked with an observer who is supposed to have a photographic memory and had that person write down everything they observed about Doug and Mark. Here are the facts as far as I can discern.
1. Mark was a Major General in the Air guard. I would assume he had served in previous missions in the air force. One report had him flying 200 missions, and another report claimed he flew missions for the CIA (these reports are unverified).
2. Doug has high security clearance, having produced several documentaries about serving politicians and filming even in Washington and the White House.
3. Doug's security even allowed him access to past presidents of the US.
4. Mark flew a number of highly sensitive missions and also had a high security clearance.
5. Howard was intimately involved with CIA projects.
6. Directly after publishing Boxes, Dough took a firearms course in the Nevada desert designed to prepare persons who might be attacked (why do it at this point in his life?). I understand that these weapons courses are required by the US security establishment if a person is to work for them and carry a weapon! (Strange that he need this so late in life!)
7. Doug is identified rather intimately with very conservative politicians in general. His public comments are almost undistilled neo con and tea party blurbs!
8. A private investigator who claims to be a son of HRH exhibits the identical political views as Doug. He was caught emailing Howard Hughes Medical Institutes with information about Howard's children.
9. Even though in our opinion HHMI has blatantly violated it's tax exempt status contract with the American people by financing foreign students and building facilities in foreign countries and acting like a proxy state department by delivering funds and seed to foreign entities the US tax officials refuse to address the issue and totally ignore it. I suggest it is simply a front for the CIA since it seems immune to US tax and oversight laws.
10. Mark traveled around the US ostensibly "searching" for Howard's dna on articles Howard left behind but in fact as a museum curator stated, "their methods were so destructive that we will not allow the items to be tested again!"
What can be deduced from the above facts (as we understand them?) and the results of the actions to publish the " Boxes" book????
The result of Mark and Doug's actions has been to destroy and obscure from public view certain evidence that would disprove their claims. As such we must postulate that their real intent was to run as a red herring in front of anyone searching for Howard's dna and remove any possible source that could be obtained by a public person (why else use destructive means when it isn't necessary). Ex. When Mark was informed that Verner's shoes were a very likely source of Verner's dna he hurried over to the "ranch" with Dewayne's truck and was observed tossing Verner's dry shoes into the truck bed. This in spite of the moisture conditions of the night air. Obviously he either was ignorant of proper procedure or he just wanted to remove sources that might be found by someone else. He did not use rubber gloves either which is necessary when legitimately trying to get DNA test items.
Our conclusion is that the Boxes project was likely a red herring project started up by the CIA to cover up their involvement to submarine Howard's children. The project succeeded in irritating a number of people into being unhelpful, intimidating others by non disclosure agreements (another favorite CIA tool) into not talking. In essence the Boxes fiasco was in our opinion foisted to muddy the waters of a search for Howard's children and we suspect those involved to include the management of HHMI.
After an inferative review of the book and associated data we were struck with some things.
1. There is NO PROOF VERNER NICELY ever claimed to be Howard Hughes. All the nformation came from EVA. She REPORTED everything Verner was supposed to have said.
2. Eva worked at an AIR BASE i n Panama! She worked a desk! 3.Verner worked on the planes as a civilian contractor! This smells like EVA was a was a non NOC worker who managed CIA logistics in the field in central America (we all know Central America was a CIA playground at that time).
3. Mark is AIR FORCE! What you say that a review of his and Eva's service record shows them BOTH serving in Central America during the time period that Nic was down there???? Makes sense don't it. Want to bet that Eva and Mark worked together before?
4. Who MADE SURE (or so she thought) that no one could dig up Verner's body and test it for DNA? RIGHT EVA!!!! When she claimed he was Howard ONLY AFTER she had burned the body was the real stink of a setup!
5. People!!! In our opinion this smells to high heave of a CIA red herring operation concocted by Mark and EVA to distract and destroy any REAL evidence of what REALLY happened to Howard.
I have eviewed recordings of Mark's statements and Dougs and talked with an observer who is supposed to have a photographic memory and had that person write down everything they observed about Doug and Mark. Here are the facts as far as I can discern.
1. Mark was a Major General in the Air guard. I would assume he had served in previous missions in the air force. One report had him flying 200 missions, and another report claimed he flew missions for the CIA (these reports are unverified).
2. Doug has high security clearance, having produced several documentaries about serving politicians and filming even in Washington and the White House.
3. Doug's security even allowed him access to past presidents of the US.
4. Mark flew a number of highly sensitive missions and also had a high security clearance.
5. Howard was intimately involved with CIA projects.
6. Directly after publishing Boxes, Dough took a firearms course in the Nevada desert designed to prepare persons who might be attacked (why do it at this point in his life?). I understand that these weapons courses are required by the US security establishment if a person is to work for them and carry a weapon! (Strange that he need this so late in life!)
7. Doug is identified rather intimately with very conservative politicians in general. His public comments are almost undistilled neo con and tea party blurbs!
8. A private investigator who claims to be a son of HRH exhibits the identical political views as Doug. He was caught emailing Howard Hughes Medical Institutes with information about Howard's children.
9. Even though in our opinion HHMI has blatantly violated it's tax exempt status contract with the American people by financing foreign students and building facilities in foreign countries and acting like a proxy state department by delivering funds and seed to foreign entities the US tax officials refuse to address the issue and totally ignore it. I suggest it is simply a front for the CIA since it seems immune to US tax and oversight laws.
10. Mark traveled around the US ostensibly "searching" for Howard's dna on articles Howard left behind but in fact as a museum curator stated, "their methods were so destructive that we will not allow the items to be tested again!"
What can be deduced from the above facts (as we understand them?) and the results of the actions to publish the " Boxes" book????
The result of Mark and Doug's actions has been to destroy and obscure from public view certain evidence that would disprove their claims. As such we must postulate that their real intent was to run as a red herring in front of anyone searching for Howard's dna and remove any possible source that could be obtained by a public person (why else use destructive means when it isn't necessary). Ex. When Mark was informed that Verner's shoes were a very likely source of Verner's dna he hurried over to the "ranch" with Dewayne's truck and was observed tossing Verner's dry shoes into the truck bed. This in spite of the moisture conditions of the night air. Obviously he either was ignorant of proper procedure or he just wanted to remove sources that might be found by someone else. He did not use rubber gloves either which is necessary when legitimately trying to get DNA test items.
Our conclusion is that the Boxes project was likely a red herring project started up by the CIA to cover up their involvement to submarine Howard's children. The project succeeded in irritating a number of people into being unhelpful, intimidating others by non disclosure agreements (another favorite CIA tool) into not talking. In essence the Boxes fiasco was in our opinion foisted to muddy the waters of a search for Howard's children and we suspect those involved to include the management of HHMI.