I have investigated all over the US with the help of a number of other specialists. Some of these specialists were intrigued by the mysteries surrounding Howard and others had family who had been part of the underworld connected to Howard and had records left by their for-bearers.
We have been looking for Howard's children. We have taken many, many photos of things related to Howard from museums to people he worked with to people who claimed to be him. We favor having an inside person in any situation we are working as people will not talk as readily to an outsider but will to someone they know and trust.
It's amazing how many people have volunteered to help us with our quest. Many of the pics have been supplied by them. A very talented DNA researcher deserves special thanks for all the expense and expertise he/she has exhibited to to help us get DNA in the proper manner and with the proper methods. The documentation of DNA has been meticulous. The progress is slow but you never know when that next test will blow the case wide open.
With the DNA and evidence available at present, we would calculate that there is probably an 85% chance that NiK Nicely was simply Verner Nicely and no one else. The motives of Mark and Doug are still cloudy, but a growing suspicion is that the "above the pay grade" work done by people involved in the "NIK" story was with a certain spy agency and this story may be an outgrowth of their agenda. (Goodness knows why????) You come to your own conclusion, after seeing the evidence in the pictures. Nik seems to have been a very deranged individual who lost his wife and two sons and hatched a story about Howard. Of course there's always that 15% chance that some piece of evidence has been missed. We are trying to get face recognition confirmation that the "Nik" face is or isn't Howard. The structure will no have changed and with Howard's accidents, there will be anomalies that cannot be faked.
Managers of Howard's casino's have been interviewed. Families of his "inner Mormon circle" have been interviewed. The family of his personal bodyguard told a totally different story than what had been testified to in court. Many of these people would talk "of the record" but would not do so publicly. His neighbors in Rio Rancho, Carlsbad, Hollywood and elsewhere were interviewed. We have pics of the Green House in Las Vegas and also some private pics that were supplied by neighbors of interesting "Mormon mafia" comings and goings. The owner of Bonnie Springs next door to Howard's Spring Mountain Ranch supplied a wealth of information about Howard's comings and goings at the ranch which were concealed even from his bodyguards. She even signed Geoff's book and took pictures with the investigators.
We have started posting some of those photos that would be most interesting to person's interested in the Hughes story. One is on here as the profile pic and others are on Picassa. I intend to post essentially everything as time allows. Check them out as you desire.
We have been looking for Howard's children. We have taken many, many photos of things related to Howard from museums to people he worked with to people who claimed to be him. We favor having an inside person in any situation we are working as people will not talk as readily to an outsider but will to someone they know and trust.
It's amazing how many people have volunteered to help us with our quest. Many of the pics have been supplied by them. A very talented DNA researcher deserves special thanks for all the expense and expertise he/she has exhibited to to help us get DNA in the proper manner and with the proper methods. The documentation of DNA has been meticulous. The progress is slow but you never know when that next test will blow the case wide open.
With the DNA and evidence available at present, we would calculate that there is probably an 85% chance that NiK Nicely was simply Verner Nicely and no one else. The motives of Mark and Doug are still cloudy, but a growing suspicion is that the "above the pay grade" work done by people involved in the "NIK" story was with a certain spy agency and this story may be an outgrowth of their agenda. (Goodness knows why????) You come to your own conclusion, after seeing the evidence in the pictures. Nik seems to have been a very deranged individual who lost his wife and two sons and hatched a story about Howard. Of course there's always that 15% chance that some piece of evidence has been missed. We are trying to get face recognition confirmation that the "Nik" face is or isn't Howard. The structure will no have changed and with Howard's accidents, there will be anomalies that cannot be faked.
Managers of Howard's casino's have been interviewed. Families of his "inner Mormon circle" have been interviewed. The family of his personal bodyguard told a totally different story than what had been testified to in court. Many of these people would talk "of the record" but would not do so publicly. His neighbors in Rio Rancho, Carlsbad, Hollywood and elsewhere were interviewed. We have pics of the Green House in Las Vegas and also some private pics that were supplied by neighbors of interesting "Mormon mafia" comings and goings. The owner of Bonnie Springs next door to Howard's Spring Mountain Ranch supplied a wealth of information about Howard's comings and goings at the ranch which were concealed even from his bodyguards. She even signed Geoff's book and took pictures with the investigators.
We have started posting some of those photos that would be most interesting to person's interested in the Hughes story. One is on here as the profile pic and others are on Picassa. I intend to post essentially everything as time allows. Check them out as you desire.